Bringing It All Back Home to Washington Square

Headline event on Saturday: A FREE concert in Washington Square Park with Suzanne Vega (pictured below), Martha Redbone and VickiKristrinaBarcelona. Scroll to view the full program of Music, Poetry, Theater and Photography events over four days.

Suzanne Vega

September 27, 2018ย  at 6.30pm, at The Village Trip Bar, Washington Square Hotel
Opening party and preview of exhibition of work by celebrated music photographer David Gahr, plus rare Greenwich Village memorabilia. Drinks and live music.
Find out more about the Opening Reception ยป

September 28, 2018 at 12 – 3pm, starting at the Washington Square Hotel

Eugene Oโ€™Neill and the Village

A walking tour of Oโ€™Neillโ€™s favorite haunts followed by interactive readings and performance at the Washington Square Hotel of key scenes from three Oโ€™Neill plays.
Find out more about the Eugene O’Neill and The Village Event ยป

September 28, 2018 at 7.30pm at the Stiefel Hall, New School

Jazz in the Village

An evening of live music and discussion with jazz faculty and musicians at the New School. Followed by a private party at the Washington Square Hotel featuring a jazz jam.

Andy McKee | Vic Juris | Billy Harper | Joanne Brackeen
Find out more about Jazz in the Village Event ยป


September 29, 2018 at 2pm at the Jefferson Market Library

Village Voices: Edna St Vincent Millay and Jack Kerouac

Greenwich Village through the eyes of two of its greatest poets: โ€œKissing in the Village: Edna St Vincent Millay on Bedford Streetโ€ and โ€œJack Kerouac: Blues in the Afternoonโ€.

Lucy McDiarmid | David Amram | Kenneth Radnofsky | Yoshiko Kline
Find out more about the Village Voices Event ยป


September 29, 2018 Garibaldi Plaza, at 5.00pm Concert in Washington Square Park

Concert in Washington Square Park

Bringing It All Back Home to Washington Square โ€“ a live concert in the shadow of the Arch in celebration of the legendary and influential music heritage of Greenwich Village

Suzanne Vega | Martha Redbone | VickiKristinaBarcelona
Find out more about the Concert in Washington Square Park ยป


September 30, 2018 at 2.30pm, The Village Trip Bar, Washington Square Hotel


Michael Shulman, Director of Publishing and Film, Magnum Photos, talks about award-winning Magnum photographer Burt Glinn, whose previously unseen color and black and white pictures of the beats feature in a new book, The Beat Scene (Reel Art Press).
Find out more about The Beat Scene Event ยป

September 30, 2018 at 7pm, The Bitter End, Bleecker Street

Talkinโ€™ New York Folk Revival

An evening of live music with Happy Traum, Tom Chapin and the Chapin Sisters, David Massengill, Diana Jones and others at the historic Bitter End on Bleecker Street, in the heart of Greenwich Village.

Happy Traum | Tom Chapin | The Chapin Sisters | David Massengill | Diana Jones
Find out more about the Talkin’ New York Folk Revival Event ยป