East Village Film Festival: From the Charles to CHARAS and Beyond
September 12, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm EDT
The first in a monthly series of “found gems’” and community conversation-starters! In honor of The Village Trip, there will be a screening of Sunday, the story of the 1961 Beatnik Riots in Washington Square. Park (who knew?), and excerpts from Loisaida Inc.’s technologist Paul Garrin’s videos of the Tompkins Square Park Riots of 1988.
Upcoming screenings include the rarely seen documentary The Godfather Comes to Sixth Street (1974) and Through Youth Eyes: Growing up in Loisaida (2022).
Funding for this series is provided by The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.
This event is free to attend, but we suggest a $10 donation to The Village Trip.
Space it limited. Please pre-book places on Eventbrite.